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Art/photo exhibition by Ingrid Borum
OPENING HOURS :  TUE – SUN  KL 14-19, 3. JUNE – 10. JULY

Unburned photos from Istanbul and two Danish-Italian expeditions to Kafiristan, Hindu Kush, 1966-70.

In 1966-70 Istanbul was the gateway for overland travellers to the East. This was where the Hippie trail started, leading to Kathmandu.

Ingrid Borum and Piero Morandi (Venezia) were both 20 year old when they realized an expedition to Kalash Kafiristan, searching for traces of Alexander the Great and his soldiers in Hindu Kush in 1968.

Ingrid Borum was a student of The Royal Academy in Copenhagen. Piero Morandi, an anthropologist in spe and adventurer.

The pagan and dardic speaking Kalash Kafirs are believed to have been a remaining group,  isolated in impassable mountains in Northern Pakistan/ Afghanistan since the Indoeuropean migration to India and back to Europe 2000 B.C.

An older theory is that The Kalash population were remaining soldiers from the conquests of Alexander the Great in Hindu Kush.

The photo documentation from The Kafiristan Expedition can be seen in Gallopperiet,  Christiania Free State Museum, in June and until 10. July 2016. Fourteen artefacts, donated in 1970 from the  Borum-Morandi expedition, is at display at Firenze Ethnological Museum.

Anthropologist Italo Bertolasi (Milano) adds unique photos from the Josh festival / Kalash Kafiristan.

The show also contains following sections

Old Free State Christiania Photo Portraits / Rock Café Månefiskeren 1975-80 / Ingrid Borum

Five new paintings from The Akhnaton Series 2014-16 / Ingrid borum

Gallopperiet, Stadens Museum for Kunst
Free State Museum, Christiania, Copenhagen, Denmark  / tue-sun  2-7 p.m. /  adm. free

www.gallopperiet.dk  / 45 22240908
the Artist : www.ingridborum.dk  



akhnaton    ingrid kiopmanhafn-borum